Source code for zipline.pipeline.loaders.earnings_estimates

from abc import abstractmethod

from interface import implements
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from toolz import groupby

from zipline.lib.adjusted_array import AdjustedArray
from zipline.lib.adjustment import (

from zipline.pipeline.common import (
from zipline.pipeline.loaders.base import PipelineLoader
from zipline.utils.date_utils import make_utc_aware
from zipline.utils.numpy_utils import datetime64ns_dtype, float64_dtype
from zipline.pipeline.loaders.utils import (

    "Passed invalid number of quarters %s; " "must pass a number of quarters >= 0"
NEXT_FISCAL_QUARTER = "next_fiscal_quarter"
NEXT_FISCAL_YEAR = "next_fiscal_year"
NORMALIZED_QUARTERS = "normalized_quarters"
PREVIOUS_FISCAL_QUARTER = "previous_fiscal_quarter"
PREVIOUS_FISCAL_YEAR = "previous_fiscal_year"
SHIFTED_NORMALIZED_QTRS = "shifted_normalized_quarters"

def normalize_quarters(years, quarters):
    return years * 4 + quarters - 1

def split_normalized_quarters(normalized_quarters):
    years = normalized_quarters // 4
    quarters = normalized_quarters % 4
    return years, quarters + 1

# These metadata columns are used to align event indexers.
metadata_columns = frozenset(

def required_estimates_fields(columns):
    """Compute the set of resource columns required to serve
    # We also expect any of the field names that our loadable columns
    # are mapped to.
    return metadata_columns.union(columns.values())

def validate_column_specs(events, columns):
    """Verify that the columns of ``events`` can be used by a
    EarningsEstimatesLoader to serve the BoundColumns described by
    required = required_estimates_fields(columns)
    received = set(events.columns)
    missing = required - received
    if missing:
        raise ValueError(
            "EarningsEstimatesLoader missing required columns {missing}.\n"
            "Got Columns: {received}\n"
            "Expected Columns: {required}".format(

def add_new_adjustments(adjustments_dict, adjustments, column_name, ts):
    except KeyError:
        adjustments_dict[column_name][ts] = adjustments

[docs]class EarningsEstimatesLoader(implements(PipelineLoader)): """An abstract pipeline loader for estimates data that can load data a variable number of quarters forwards/backwards from calendar dates depending on the `num_announcements` attribute of the columns' dataset. If split adjustments are to be applied, a loader, split-adjusted columns, and the split-adjusted asof-date must be supplied. Parameters ---------- estimates : pd.DataFrame The raw estimates data; must contain at least 5 columns: sid : int64 The asset id associated with each estimate. event_date : datetime64[ns] The date on which the event that the estimate is for will/has occurred. timestamp : datetime64[ns] The datetime where we learned about the estimate. fiscal_quarter : int64 The quarter during which the event has/will occur. fiscal_year : int64 The year during which the event has/will occur. name_map : dict[str -> str] A map of names of BoundColumns that this loader will load to the names of the corresponding columns in `events`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, estimates, name_map): validate_column_specs(estimates, name_map) self.estimates = estimates[ estimates[EVENT_DATE_FIELD_NAME].notnull() & estimates[FISCAL_QUARTER_FIELD_NAME].notnull() & estimates[FISCAL_YEAR_FIELD_NAME].notnull() ] self.estimates[NORMALIZED_QUARTERS] = normalize_quarters( self.estimates[FISCAL_YEAR_FIELD_NAME], self.estimates[FISCAL_QUARTER_FIELD_NAME], ) self.array_overwrites_dict = { datetime64ns_dtype: Datetime641DArrayOverwrite, float64_dtype: Float641DArrayOverwrite, } self.scalar_overwrites_dict = { datetime64ns_dtype: Datetime64Overwrite, float64_dtype: Float64Overwrite, } self.name_map = name_map
@abstractmethod def get_zeroth_quarter_idx(self, stacked_last_per_qtr): raise NotImplementedError("get_zeroth_quarter_idx") @abstractmethod def get_shifted_qtrs(self, zero_qtrs, num_announcements): raise NotImplementedError("get_shifted_qtrs") @abstractmethod def create_overwrite_for_estimate( self, column, column_name, last_per_qtr, next_qtr_start_idx, requested_quarter, sid, sid_idx, col_to_split_adjustments, split_adjusted_asof_idx, ): raise NotImplementedError("create_overwrite_for_estimate") @property @abstractmethod def searchsorted_side(self): return NotImplementedError("searchsorted_side") def get_requested_quarter_data( self, zero_qtr_data, zeroth_quarter_idx, stacked_last_per_qtr, num_announcements, dates, ): """Selects the requested data for each date. Parameters ---------- zero_qtr_data : pd.DataFrame The 'time zero' data for each calendar date per sid. zeroth_quarter_idx : pd.Index An index of calendar dates, sid, and normalized quarters, for only the rows that have a next or previous earnings estimate. stacked_last_per_qtr : pd.DataFrame The latest estimate known with the dates, normalized quarter, and sid as the index. num_announcements : int The number of annoucements out the user requested relative to each date in the calendar dates. dates : pd.DatetimeIndex The calendar dates for which estimates data is requested. Returns -------- requested_qtr_data : pd.DataFrame The DataFrame with the latest values for the requested quarter for all columns; `dates` are the index and columns are a MultiIndex with sids at the top level and the dataset columns on the bottom. """ zero_qtr_data_idx = zero_qtr_data.index requested_qtr_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [ zero_qtr_data_idx.get_level_values(0), zero_qtr_data_idx.get_level_values(1), self.get_shifted_qtrs( zeroth_quarter_idx.get_level_values( NORMALIZED_QUARTERS, ), num_announcements, ), ], names=[ zero_qtr_data_idx.names[0], zero_qtr_data_idx.names[1], SHIFTED_NORMALIZED_QTRS, ], ) requested_qtr_data = stacked_last_per_qtr.reindex(index=requested_qtr_idx) requested_qtr_data = requested_qtr_data.reset_index( SHIFTED_NORMALIZED_QTRS, ) # Calculate the actual year/quarter being requested and add those in # as columns. ( requested_qtr_data[FISCAL_YEAR_FIELD_NAME], requested_qtr_data[FISCAL_QUARTER_FIELD_NAME], ) = split_normalized_quarters(requested_qtr_data[SHIFTED_NORMALIZED_QTRS]) # Once we're left with just dates as the index, we can reindex by all # dates so that we have a value for each calendar date. return requested_qtr_data.unstack(SID_FIELD_NAME).reindex(dates) def get_split_adjusted_asof_idx(self, dates): """Compute the index in `dates` where the split-adjusted-asof-date falls. This is the date up to which, and including which, we will need to unapply all adjustments for and then re-apply them as they come in. After this date, adjustments are applied as normal. Parameters ---------- dates : pd.DatetimeIndex The calendar dates over which the Pipeline is being computed. Returns ------- split_adjusted_asof_idx : int The index in `dates` at which the data should be split. """ split_adjusted_asof_idx = dates.searchsorted(self._split_adjusted_asof) # make_utc_aware(pd.DatetimeIndex(self._split_adjusted_asof)) # The split-asof date is after the date index. if split_adjusted_asof_idx == len(dates): split_adjusted_asof_idx = len(dates) - 1 if self._split_adjusted_asof.tzinfo is not None: if self._split_adjusted_asof < dates[0]: split_adjusted_asof_idx = -1 else: if self._split_adjusted_asof < dates[0]: split_adjusted_asof_idx = -1 return split_adjusted_asof_idx def collect_overwrites_for_sid( self, group, dates, requested_qtr_data, last_per_qtr, sid_idx, columns, all_adjustments_for_sid, sid, ): """Given a sid, collect all overwrites that should be applied for this sid at each quarter boundary. Parameters ---------- group : pd.DataFrame The data for `sid`. dates : pd.DatetimeIndex The calendar dates for which estimates data is requested. requested_qtr_data : pd.DataFrame The DataFrame with the latest values for the requested quarter for all columns. last_per_qtr : pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with a column MultiIndex of [self.estimates.columns, normalized_quarters, sid] that allows easily getting the timeline of estimates for a particular sid for a particular quarter. sid_idx : int The sid's index in the asset index. columns : list of BoundColumn The columns for which the overwrites should be computed. all_adjustments_for_sid : dict[int -> AdjustedArray] A dictionary of the integer index of each timestamp into the date index, mapped to adjustments that should be applied at that index for the given sid (`sid`). This dictionary is modified as adjustments are collected. sid : int The sid for which overwrites should be computed. """ # If data was requested for only 1 date, there can never be any # overwrites, so skip the extra work. if len(dates) == 1: return next_qtr_start_indices = dates.searchsorted( pd.DatetimeIndex(group[EVENT_DATE_FIELD_NAME]), side=self.searchsorted_side, ) qtrs_with_estimates = group.index.get_level_values(NORMALIZED_QUARTERS).values for idx in next_qtr_start_indices: if 0 < idx < len(dates): # Find the quarter being requested in the quarter we're # crossing into. requested_quarter = requested_qtr_data[ SHIFTED_NORMALIZED_QTRS, sid, ].iloc[idx] # Only add adjustments if the next quarter starts somewhere # in our date index for this sid. Our 'next' quarter can # never start at index 0; a starting index of 0 means that # the next quarter's event date was NaT. self.create_overwrites_for_quarter( all_adjustments_for_sid, idx, last_per_qtr, qtrs_with_estimates, requested_quarter, sid, sid_idx, columns, ) def get_adjustments_for_sid( self, group, dates, requested_qtr_data, last_per_qtr, sid_to_idx, columns, col_to_all_adjustments, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- group : pd.DataFrame The data for the given sid. dates : pd.DatetimeIndex The calendar dates for which estimates data is requested. requested_qtr_data : pd.DataFrame The DataFrame with the latest values for the requested quarter for all columns. last_per_qtr : pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with a column MultiIndex of [self.estimates.columns, normalized_quarters, sid] that allows easily getting the timeline of estimates for a particular sid for a particular quarter. sid_to_idx : dict[int -> int] A dictionary mapping sid to he sid's index in the asset index. columns : list of BoundColumn The columns for which the overwrites should be computed. col_to_all_adjustments : dict[int -> AdjustedArray] A dictionary of the integer index of each timestamp into the date index, mapped to adjustments that should be applied at that index. This dictionary is for adjustments for ALL sids. It is modified as adjustments are collected. kwargs : Additional arguments used in collecting adjustments; unused here. """ # Collect all adjustments for a given sid. all_adjustments_for_sid = {} sid = int( self.collect_overwrites_for_sid( group, dates, requested_qtr_data, last_per_qtr, sid_to_idx[sid], columns, all_adjustments_for_sid, sid, ) self.merge_into_adjustments_for_all_sids( all_adjustments_for_sid, col_to_all_adjustments ) def merge_into_adjustments_for_all_sids( self, all_adjustments_for_sid, col_to_all_adjustments ): """Merge adjustments for a particular sid into a dictionary containing adjustments for all sids. Parameters ---------- all_adjustments_for_sid : dict[int -> AdjustedArray] All adjustments for a particular sid. col_to_all_adjustments : dict[int -> AdjustedArray] All adjustments for all sids. """ for col_name in all_adjustments_for_sid: if col_name not in col_to_all_adjustments: col_to_all_adjustments[col_name] = {} for ts in all_adjustments_for_sid[col_name]: adjs = all_adjustments_for_sid[col_name][ts] add_new_adjustments(col_to_all_adjustments, adjs, col_name, ts) def get_adjustments( self, zero_qtr_data, requested_qtr_data, last_per_qtr, dates, assets, columns, **kwargs, ): """Creates an AdjustedArray from the given estimates data for the given dates. Parameters ---------- zero_qtr_data : pd.DataFrame The 'time zero' data for each calendar date per sid. requested_qtr_data : pd.DataFrame The requested quarter data for each calendar date per sid. last_per_qtr : pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with a column MultiIndex of [self.estimates.columns, normalized_quarters, sid] that allows easily getting the timeline of estimates for a particular sid for a particular quarter. dates : pd.DatetimeIndex The calendar dates for which estimates data is requested. assets : pd.Int64Index An index of all the assets from the raw data. columns : list of BoundColumn The columns for which adjustments need to be calculated. kwargs : Additional keyword arguments that should be forwarded to `get_adjustments_for_sid` and to be used in computing adjustments for each sid. Returns ------- col_to_all_adjustments : dict[int -> AdjustedArray] A dictionary of all adjustments that should be applied. """ zero_qtr_data.sort_index(inplace=True) # Here we want to get the LAST record from each group of records # corresponding to a single quarter. This is to ensure that we select # the most up-to-date event date in case the event date changes. quarter_shifts = zero_qtr_data.groupby( level=[SID_FIELD_NAME, NORMALIZED_QUARTERS] ).nth(-1) col_to_all_adjustments = {} sid_to_idx = dict(zip(assets, range(len(assets)))) quarter_shifts.groupby(level=SID_FIELD_NAME).apply( self.get_adjustments_for_sid, dates, requested_qtr_data, last_per_qtr, sid_to_idx, columns, col_to_all_adjustments, **kwargs, ) return col_to_all_adjustments def create_overwrites_for_quarter( self, col_to_overwrites, next_qtr_start_idx, last_per_qtr, quarters_with_estimates_for_sid, requested_quarter, sid, sid_idx, columns, ): """Add entries to the dictionary of columns to adjustments for the given sid and the given quarter. Parameters ---------- col_to_overwrites : dict [column_name -> list of ArrayAdjustment] A dictionary mapping column names to all overwrites for those columns. next_qtr_start_idx : int The index of the first day of the next quarter in the calendar dates. last_per_qtr : pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with a column MultiIndex of [self.estimates.columns, normalized_quarters, sid] that allows easily getting the timeline of estimates for a particular sid for a particular quarter; this is particularly useful for getting adjustments for 'next' estimates. quarters_with_estimates_for_sid : np.array An array of all quarters for which there are estimates for the given sid. requested_quarter : float The quarter for which the overwrite should be created. sid : int The sid for which to create overwrites. sid_idx : int The index of the sid in `assets`. columns : list of BoundColumn The columns for which to create overwrites. """ for col in columns: column_name = self.name_map[] if column_name not in col_to_overwrites: col_to_overwrites[column_name] = {} # If there are estimates for the requested quarter, # overwrite all values going up to the starting index of # that quarter with estimates for that quarter. if requested_quarter in quarters_with_estimates_for_sid: adjs = self.create_overwrite_for_estimate( col, column_name, last_per_qtr, next_qtr_start_idx, requested_quarter, sid, sid_idx, ) add_new_adjustments( col_to_overwrites, adjs, column_name, next_qtr_start_idx ) # There are no estimates for the quarter. Overwrite all # values going up to the starting index of that quarter # with the missing value for this column. else: adjs = [self.overwrite_with_null(col, next_qtr_start_idx, sid_idx)] add_new_adjustments( col_to_overwrites, adjs, column_name, next_qtr_start_idx ) def overwrite_with_null(self, column, next_qtr_start_idx, sid_idx): return self.scalar_overwrites_dict[column.dtype]( 0, next_qtr_start_idx - 1, sid_idx, sid_idx, column.missing_value ) def load_adjusted_array(self, domain, columns, dates, sids, mask): # Separate out getting the columns' datasets and the datasets' # num_announcements attributes to ensure that we're catching the right # AttributeError. col_to_datasets = {col: col.dataset for col in columns} try: groups = groupby( lambda col: col_to_datasets[col].num_announcements, col_to_datasets ) except AttributeError as exc: raise AttributeError( "Datasets loaded via the " "EarningsEstimatesLoader must define a " "`num_announcements` attribute that defines " "how many quarters out the loader should load" " the data relative to `dates`." ) from exc if any(num_qtr < 0 for num_qtr in groups): raise ValueError( INVALID_NUM_QTRS_MESSAGE % ",".join(str(qtr) for qtr in groups if qtr < 0) ) out = {} # To optimize performance, only work below on assets that are # actually in the raw data. data_query_cutoff_times = domain.data_query_cutoff_for_sessions(dates) assets_with_data = set(sids) & set(self.estimates[SID_FIELD_NAME]) last_per_qtr, stacked_last_per_qtr = self.get_last_data_per_qtr( assets_with_data, columns, dates, data_query_cutoff_times, ) # Determine which quarter is immediately next/previous for each # date. zeroth_quarter_idx = self.get_zeroth_quarter_idx(stacked_last_per_qtr) zero_qtr_data = stacked_last_per_qtr.loc[zeroth_quarter_idx] for num_announcements, columns in groups.items(): requested_qtr_data = self.get_requested_quarter_data( zero_qtr_data, zeroth_quarter_idx, stacked_last_per_qtr, num_announcements, dates, ) # Calculate all adjustments for the given quarter and accumulate # them for each column. col_to_adjustments = self.get_adjustments( zero_qtr_data, requested_qtr_data, last_per_qtr, dates, sids, columns ) # Lookup the asset indexer once, this is so we can reindex # the assets returned into the assets requested for each column. # This depends on the fact that our column pd.MultiIndex has the same # sids for each field. This allows us to do the lookup once on # level 1 instead of doing the lookup each time per value in # level 0. # asset_indexer = sids.get_indexer_for( # requested_qtr_data.columns.levels[1], # ) for col in columns: column_name = self.name_map[] # allocate the empty output with the correct missing value # shape = len(dates), len(sids) # output_array = np.full(shape=shape, # fill_value=col.missing_value, # dtype=col.dtype) # overwrite the missing value with values from the computed data try: output_array = ( requested_qtr_data[column_name] .reindex(sids, axis=1) .to_numpy() .astype(col.dtype) ) except Exception: output_array = ( requested_qtr_data[column_name] .reindex(sids, axis=1) .to_numpy(na_value=col.missing_value) .astype(col.dtype) ) # except ValueError: # np.copyto(output_array[:, asset_indexer], # requested_qtr_data[column_name].to_numpy(na_value=output_array.dtype), # casting='unsafe') out[col] = AdjustedArray( output_array, # There may not be any adjustments at all (e.g. if # len(date) == 1), so provide a default. dict(col_to_adjustments.get(column_name, {})), col.missing_value, ) return out def get_last_data_per_qtr( self, assets_with_data, columns, dates, data_query_cutoff_times ): """Determine the last piece of information we know for each column on each date in the index for each sid and quarter. Parameters ---------- assets_with_data : pd.Index Index of all assets that appear in the raw data given to the loader. columns : iterable of BoundColumn The columns that need to be loaded from the raw data. data_query_cutoff_times : pd.DatetimeIndex The calendar of dates for which data should be loaded. Returns ------- stacked_last_per_qtr : pd.DataFrame A DataFrame indexed by [dates, sid, normalized_quarters] that has the latest information for each row of the index, sorted by event date. last_per_qtr : pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with columns that are a MultiIndex of [ self.estimates.columns, normalized_quarters, sid]. """ # Get a DataFrame indexed by date with a MultiIndex of columns of # [self.estimates.columns, normalized_quarters, sid], where each cell # contains the latest data for that day. last_per_qtr = last_in_date_group( self.estimates, data_query_cutoff_times, assets_with_data, reindex=True, extra_groupers=[NORMALIZED_QUARTERS], ) last_per_qtr.index = dates # Forward fill values for each quarter/sid/dataset column. ffill_across_cols(last_per_qtr, columns, self.name_map) # Stack quarter and sid into the index. stacked_last_per_qtr = last_per_qtr.stack( [SID_FIELD_NAME, NORMALIZED_QUARTERS], ) # Set date index name for ease of reference stacked_last_per_qtr.index.set_names( SIMULATION_DATES, level=0, inplace=True, ) stacked_last_per_qtr[EVENT_DATE_FIELD_NAME] = pd.to_datetime( stacked_last_per_qtr[EVENT_DATE_FIELD_NAME] ) stacked_last_per_qtr = stacked_last_per_qtr.sort_values(EVENT_DATE_FIELD_NAME) return last_per_qtr, stacked_last_per_qtr
class NextEarningsEstimatesLoader(EarningsEstimatesLoader): searchsorted_side = "right" def create_overwrite_for_estimate( self, column, column_name, last_per_qtr, next_qtr_start_idx, requested_quarter, sid, sid_idx, col_to_split_adjustments=None, split_adjusted_asof_idx=None, ): return [ self.array_overwrites_dict[column.dtype]( 0, next_qtr_start_idx - 1, sid_idx, sid_idx, last_per_qtr[ column_name, requested_quarter, sid, ].values[:next_qtr_start_idx], ) ] def get_shifted_qtrs(self, zero_qtrs, num_announcements): return zero_qtrs + (num_announcements - 1) def get_zeroth_quarter_idx(self, stacked_last_per_qtr): """Filters for releases that are on or after each simulation date and determines the next quarter by picking out the upcoming release for each date in the index. Parameters ---------- stacked_last_per_qtr : pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with index of calendar dates, sid, and normalized quarters with each row being the latest estimate for the row's index values, sorted by event date. Returns ------- next_releases_per_date_index : pd.MultiIndex An index of calendar dates, sid, and normalized quarters, for only the rows that have a next event. """ next_releases_per_date = ( stacked_last_per_qtr.loc[ stacked_last_per_qtr[EVENT_DATE_FIELD_NAME] >= stacked_last_per_qtr.index.get_level_values(SIMULATION_DATES) ] .groupby( level=[SIMULATION_DATES, SID_FIELD_NAME], as_index=False, # Here we take advantage of the fact that `stacked_last_per_qtr` is # sorted by event date. ) .nth(0) ) return next_releases_per_date.index class PreviousEarningsEstimatesLoader(EarningsEstimatesLoader): searchsorted_side = "left" def create_overwrite_for_estimate( self, column, column_name, dates, next_qtr_start_idx, requested_quarter, sid, sid_idx, col_to_split_adjustments=None, split_adjusted_asof_idx=None, split_dict=None, ): return [ self.overwrite_with_null( column, next_qtr_start_idx, sid_idx, ) ] def get_shifted_qtrs(self, zero_qtrs, num_announcements): return zero_qtrs - (num_announcements - 1) def get_zeroth_quarter_idx(self, stacked_last_per_qtr): """Filters for releases that are on or after each simulation date and determines the previous quarter by picking out the most recent release relative to each date in the index. Parameters ---------- stacked_last_per_qtr : pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with index of calendar dates, sid, and normalized quarters with each row being the latest estimate for the row's index values, sorted by event date. Returns ------- previous_releases_per_date_index : pd.MultiIndex An index of calendar dates, sid, and normalized quarters, for only the rows that have a previous event. """ previous_releases_per_date = ( stacked_last_per_qtr.loc[ stacked_last_per_qtr[EVENT_DATE_FIELD_NAME] <= stacked_last_per_qtr.index.get_level_values(SIMULATION_DATES) ] .groupby( level=[SIMULATION_DATES, SID_FIELD_NAME], as_index=False, # Here we take advantage of the fact that `stacked_last_per_qtr` is # sorted by event date. ) .nth(-1) ) return previous_releases_per_date.index def validate_split_adjusted_column_specs(name_map, columns): to_be_split = set(columns) available = set(name_map.keys()) extra = to_be_split - available if extra: raise ValueError( "EarningsEstimatesLoader got the following extra columns to be " "split-adjusted: {extra}.\n" "Got Columns: {to_be_split}\n" "Available Columns: {available}".format( extra=sorted(extra), to_be_split=sorted(to_be_split), available=sorted(available), ) ) class SplitAdjustedEstimatesLoader(EarningsEstimatesLoader): """Estimates loader that loads data that needs to be split-adjusted. Parameters ---------- split_adjustments_loader : SQLiteAdjustmentReader The loader to use for reading split adjustments. split_adjusted_column_names : iterable of str The column names that should be split-adjusted. split_adjusted_asof : pd.Timestamp The date that separates data into 2 halves: the first half is the set of dates up to and including the split_adjusted_asof date. All adjustments occurring during this first half are applied to all dates in this first half. The second half is the set of dates after the split_adjusted_asof date. All adjustments occurring during this second half are applied sequentially as they appear in the timeline. """ def __init__( self, estimates, name_map, split_adjustments_loader, split_adjusted_column_names, split_adjusted_asof, ): validate_split_adjusted_column_specs(name_map, split_adjusted_column_names) self._split_adjustments = split_adjustments_loader self._split_adjusted_column_names = split_adjusted_column_names self._split_adjusted_asof = split_adjusted_asof self._split_adjustment_dict = {} super(SplitAdjustedEstimatesLoader, self).__init__(estimates, name_map) @abstractmethod def collect_split_adjustments( self, adjustments_for_sid, requested_qtr_data, dates, sid, sid_idx, sid_estimates, split_adjusted_asof_idx, pre_adjustments, post_adjustments, requested_split_adjusted_columns, ): raise NotImplementedError("collect_split_adjustments") def get_adjustments_for_sid( self, group, dates, requested_qtr_data, last_per_qtr, sid_to_idx, columns, col_to_all_adjustments, split_adjusted_asof_idx=None, split_adjusted_cols_for_group=None, ): """Collects both overwrites and adjustments for a particular sid. Parameters ---------- split_adjusted_asof_idx : int The integer index of the date on which the data was split-adjusted. split_adjusted_cols_for_group : list of str The names of requested columns that should also be split-adjusted. """ all_adjustments_for_sid = {} sid = int( self.collect_overwrites_for_sid( group, dates, requested_qtr_data, last_per_qtr, sid_to_idx[sid], columns, all_adjustments_for_sid, sid, ) ( pre_adjustments, post_adjustments, ) = self.retrieve_split_adjustment_data_for_sid( dates, sid, split_adjusted_asof_idx ) sid_estimates = self.estimates[self.estimates[SID_FIELD_NAME] == sid] # We might not have any overwrites but still have # adjustments, and we will need to manually add columns if # that is the case. for col_name in split_adjusted_cols_for_group: if col_name not in all_adjustments_for_sid: all_adjustments_for_sid[col_name] = {} self.collect_split_adjustments( all_adjustments_for_sid, requested_qtr_data, dates, sid, sid_to_idx[sid], sid_estimates, split_adjusted_asof_idx, pre_adjustments, post_adjustments, split_adjusted_cols_for_group, ) self.merge_into_adjustments_for_all_sids( all_adjustments_for_sid, col_to_all_adjustments ) def get_adjustments( self, zero_qtr_data, requested_qtr_data, last_per_qtr, dates, assets, columns, **kwargs, ): """Calculates both split adjustments and overwrites for all sids.""" split_adjusted_cols_for_group = [ self.name_map[] for col in columns if self.name_map[] in self._split_adjusted_column_names ] # Add all splits to the adjustment dict for this sid. split_adjusted_asof_idx = self.get_split_adjusted_asof_idx(dates) return super(SplitAdjustedEstimatesLoader, self).get_adjustments( zero_qtr_data, requested_qtr_data, last_per_qtr, dates, assets, columns, split_adjusted_cols_for_group=split_adjusted_cols_for_group, split_adjusted_asof_idx=split_adjusted_asof_idx, ) def determine_end_idx_for_adjustment( self, adjustment_ts, dates, upper_bound, requested_quarter, sid_estimates ): """Determines the date until which the adjustment at the given date index should be applied for the given quarter. Parameters ---------- adjustment_ts : pd.Timestamp The timestamp at which the adjustment occurs. dates : pd.DatetimeIndex The calendar dates over which the Pipeline is being computed. upper_bound : int The index of the upper bound in the calendar dates. This is the index until which the adjusment will be applied unless there is information for the requested quarter that comes in on or before that date. requested_quarter : float The quarter for which we are determining how the adjustment should be applied. sid_estimates : pd.DataFrame The DataFrame of estimates data for the sid for which we're applying the given adjustment. Returns ------- end_idx : int The last index to which the adjustment should be applied for the given quarter/sid. """ end_idx = upper_bound # Find the next newest kd that happens on or after # the date of this adjustment newest_kd_for_qtr = sid_estimates[ (sid_estimates[NORMALIZED_QUARTERS] == requested_quarter) & (sid_estimates[TS_FIELD_NAME] >= adjustment_ts) ][TS_FIELD_NAME].min() if pd.notnull(newest_kd_for_qtr): newest_kd_idx = dates.searchsorted(newest_kd_for_qtr) # make_utc_aware(pd.DatetimeIndex(newest_kd_for_qtr)) # We have fresh information that comes in # before the end of the overwrite and # presumably is already split-adjusted to the # current split. We should stop applying the # adjustment the day before this new # information comes in. if newest_kd_idx <= upper_bound: end_idx = newest_kd_idx - 1 return end_idx def collect_pre_split_asof_date_adjustments( self, split_adjusted_asof_date_idx, sid_idx, pre_adjustments, requested_split_adjusted_columns, ): """Collect split adjustments that occur before the split-adjusted-asof-date. All those adjustments must first be UN-applied at the first date index and then re-applied on the appropriate dates in order to match point in time share pricing data. Parameters ---------- split_adjusted_asof_date_idx : int The index in the calendar dates as-of which all data was split-adjusted. sid_idx : int The index of the sid for which adjustments should be collected in the adjusted array. pre_adjustments : tuple(list(float), list(int)) The adjustment values, indexes in `dates`, and timestamps for adjustments that happened after the split-asof-date. requested_split_adjusted_columns : list of str The requested split adjusted columns. Returns ------- col_to_split_adjustments : dict[str -> dict[int -> list of Adjustment]] The adjustments for this sid that occurred on or before the split-asof-date. """ col_to_split_adjustments = {} if len(pre_adjustments[0]): adjustment_values, date_indexes = pre_adjustments for column_name in requested_split_adjusted_columns: col_to_split_adjustments[column_name] = {} # We need to undo all adjustments that happen before the # split_asof_date here by reversing the split ratio. col_to_split_adjustments[column_name][0] = [ Float64Multiply( 0, split_adjusted_asof_date_idx, sid_idx, sid_idx, 1 / future_adjustment, ) for future_adjustment in adjustment_values ] for adjustment, date_index in zip(adjustment_values, date_indexes): adj = Float64Multiply( 0, split_adjusted_asof_date_idx, sid_idx, sid_idx, adjustment ) add_new_adjustments( col_to_split_adjustments, [adj], column_name, date_index ) return col_to_split_adjustments def collect_post_asof_split_adjustments( self, post_adjustments, requested_qtr_data, sid, sid_idx, sid_estimates, requested_split_adjusted_columns, ): """Collect split adjustments that occur after the split-adjusted-asof-date. Each adjustment needs to be applied to all dates on which knowledge for the requested quarter was older than the date of the adjustment. Parameters ---------- post_adjustments : tuple(list(float), list(int), pd.DatetimeIndex) The adjustment values, indexes in `dates`, and timestamps for adjustments that happened after the split-asof-date. requested_qtr_data : pd.DataFrame The requested quarter data for each calendar date per sid. sid : int The sid for which adjustments need to be collected. sid_idx : int The index of `sid` in the adjusted array. sid_estimates : pd.DataFrame The raw estimates data for this sid. requested_split_adjusted_columns : list of str The requested split adjusted columns. Returns ------- col_to_split_adjustments : dict[str -> dict[int -> list of Adjustment]] The adjustments for this sid that occurred after the split-asof-date. """ col_to_split_adjustments = {} if post_adjustments: # Get an integer index requested_qtr_timeline = requested_qtr_data[SHIFTED_NORMALIZED_QTRS][ sid ].reset_index() requested_qtr_timeline = requested_qtr_timeline[ requested_qtr_timeline[sid].notnull() ] # Split the data into range by quarter and determine which quarter # was being requested in each range. # Split integer indexes up by quarter range qtr_ranges_idxs = np.split( requested_qtr_timeline.index, np.where(np.diff(requested_qtr_timeline[sid]) != 0)[0] + 1, ) requested_quarters_per_range = [ requested_qtr_timeline[sid][r[0]] for r in qtr_ranges_idxs ] # Try to apply each adjustment to each quarter range. for i, qtr_range in enumerate(qtr_ranges_idxs): for adjustment, date_index, timestamp in zip(*post_adjustments): # In the default case, apply through the end of the quarter upper_bound = qtr_range[-1] # Find the smallest KD in estimates that is on or after the # date of the given adjustment. Apply the given adjustment # until that KD. end_idx = self.determine_end_idx_for_adjustment( timestamp, requested_qtr_data.index, upper_bound, requested_quarters_per_range[i], sid_estimates, ) # In the default case, apply adjustment on the first day of # the quarter. start_idx = qtr_range[0] # If the adjustment happens during this quarter, apply the # adjustment on the day it happens. if date_index > start_idx: start_idx = date_index # We only want to apply the adjustment if we have any stale # data to apply it to. if qtr_range[0] <= end_idx: for column_name in requested_split_adjusted_columns: if column_name not in col_to_split_adjustments: col_to_split_adjustments[column_name] = {} adj = Float64Multiply( # Always apply from first day of qtr qtr_range[0], end_idx, sid_idx, sid_idx, adjustment, ) add_new_adjustments( col_to_split_adjustments, [adj], column_name, start_idx ) return col_to_split_adjustments def retrieve_split_adjustment_data_for_sid( self, dates, sid, split_adjusted_asof_idx ): """ dates : pd.DatetimeIndex The calendar dates. sid : int The sid for which we want to retrieve adjustments. split_adjusted_asof_idx : int The index in `dates` as-of which the data is split adjusted. Returns ------- pre_adjustments : tuple(list(float), list(int), pd.DatetimeIndex) The adjustment values and indexes in `dates` for adjustments that happened before the split-asof-date. post_adjustments : tuple(list(float), list(int), pd.DatetimeIndex) The adjustment values, indexes in `dates`, and timestamps for adjustments that happened after the split-asof-date. """ adjustments = self._split_adjustments.get_adjustments_for_sid("splits", sid) sorted(adjustments, key=lambda adj: adj[0]) # Get rid of any adjustments that happen outside of our date index. adjustments = list(filter(lambda x: dates[0] <= x[0] <= dates[-1], adjustments)) adjustment_values = np.array([adj[1] for adj in adjustments]) timestamps = pd.DatetimeIndex([adj[0] for adj in adjustments]) # We need the first date on which we would have known about each # adjustment. date_indexes = dates.searchsorted(timestamps) pre_adjustment_idxs = np.where(date_indexes <= split_adjusted_asof_idx)[0] last_adjustment_split_asof_idx = -1 if len(pre_adjustment_idxs): last_adjustment_split_asof_idx = pre_adjustment_idxs.max() pre_adjustments = ( adjustment_values[: last_adjustment_split_asof_idx + 1], date_indexes[: last_adjustment_split_asof_idx + 1], ) post_adjustments = ( adjustment_values[last_adjustment_split_asof_idx + 1 :], date_indexes[last_adjustment_split_asof_idx + 1 :], timestamps[last_adjustment_split_asof_idx + 1 :], ) return pre_adjustments, post_adjustments def _collect_adjustments( self, requested_qtr_data, sid, sid_idx, sid_estimates, split_adjusted_asof_idx, pre_adjustments, post_adjustments, requested_split_adjusted_columns, ): pre_adjustments_dict = self.collect_pre_split_asof_date_adjustments( split_adjusted_asof_idx, sid_idx, pre_adjustments, requested_split_adjusted_columns, ) post_adjustments_dict = self.collect_post_asof_split_adjustments( post_adjustments, requested_qtr_data, sid, sid_idx, sid_estimates, requested_split_adjusted_columns, ) return pre_adjustments_dict, post_adjustments_dict def merge_split_adjustments_with_overwrites( self, pre, post, overwrites, requested_split_adjusted_columns ): """Merge split adjustments with the dict containing overwrites. Parameters ---------- pre : dict[str -> dict[int -> list]] The adjustments that occur before the split-adjusted-asof-date. post : dict[str -> dict[int -> list]] The adjustments that occur after the split-adjusted-asof-date. overwrites : dict[str -> dict[int -> list]] The overwrites across all time. Adjustments will be merged into this dictionary. requested_split_adjusted_columns : list of str List of names of split adjusted columns that are being requested. """ for column_name in requested_split_adjusted_columns: # We can do a merge here because the timestamps in 'pre' and # 'post' are guaranteed to not overlap. if pre: # Either empty or contains all columns. for ts in pre[column_name]: add_new_adjustments( overwrites, pre[column_name][ts], column_name, ts ) if post: # Either empty or contains all columns. for ts in post[column_name]: add_new_adjustments( overwrites, post[column_name][ts], column_name, ts ) class PreviousSplitAdjustedEarningsEstimatesLoader( SplitAdjustedEstimatesLoader, PreviousEarningsEstimatesLoader ): def collect_split_adjustments( self, adjustments_for_sid, requested_qtr_data, dates, sid, sid_idx, sid_estimates, split_adjusted_asof_idx, pre_adjustments, post_adjustments, requested_split_adjusted_columns, ): """Collect split adjustments for previous quarters and apply them to the given dictionary of splits for the given sid. Since overwrites just replace all estimates before the new quarter with NaN, we don't need to worry about re-applying split adjustments. Parameters ---------- adjustments_for_sid : dict[str -> dict[int -> list]] The dictionary of adjustments to which splits need to be added. Initially it contains only overwrites. requested_qtr_data : pd.DataFrame The requested quarter data for each calendar date per sid. dates : pd.DatetimeIndex The calendar dates for which estimates data is requested. sid : int The sid for which adjustments need to be collected. sid_idx : int The index of `sid` in the adjusted array. sid_estimates : pd.DataFrame The raw estimates data for the given sid. split_adjusted_asof_idx : int The index in `dates` as-of which the data is split adjusted. pre_adjustments : tuple(list(float), list(int), pd.DatetimeIndex) The adjustment values and indexes in `dates` for adjustments that happened before the split-asof-date. post_adjustments : tuple(list(float), list(int), pd.DatetimeIndex) The adjustment values, indexes in `dates`, and timestamps for adjustments that happened after the split-asof-date. requested_split_adjusted_columns : list of str List of requested split adjusted column names. """ (pre_adjustments_dict, post_adjustments_dict) = self._collect_adjustments( requested_qtr_data, sid, sid_idx, sid_estimates, split_adjusted_asof_idx, pre_adjustments, post_adjustments, requested_split_adjusted_columns, ) self.merge_split_adjustments_with_overwrites( pre_adjustments_dict, post_adjustments_dict, adjustments_for_sid, requested_split_adjusted_columns, ) class NextSplitAdjustedEarningsEstimatesLoader( SplitAdjustedEstimatesLoader, NextEarningsEstimatesLoader ): def collect_split_adjustments( self, adjustments_for_sid, requested_qtr_data, dates, sid, sid_idx, sid_estimates, split_adjusted_asof_idx, pre_adjustments, post_adjustments, requested_split_adjusted_columns, ): """Collect split adjustments for future quarters. Re-apply adjustments that would be overwritten by overwrites. Merge split adjustments with overwrites into the given dictionary of splits for the given sid. Parameters ---------- adjustments_for_sid : dict[str -> dict[int -> list]] The dictionary of adjustments to which splits need to be added. Initially it contains only overwrites. requested_qtr_data : pd.DataFrame The requested quarter data for each calendar date per sid. dates : pd.DatetimeIndex The calendar dates for which estimates data is requested. sid : int The sid for which adjustments need to be collected. sid_idx : int The index of `sid` in the adjusted array. sid_estimates : pd.DataFrame The raw estimates data for the given sid. split_adjusted_asof_idx : int The index in `dates` as-of which the data is split adjusted. pre_adjustments : tuple(list(float), list(int), pd.DatetimeIndex) The adjustment values and indexes in `dates` for adjustments that happened before the split-asof-date. post_adjustments : tuple(list(float), list(int), pd.DatetimeIndex) The adjustment values, indexes in `dates`, and timestamps for adjustments that happened after the split-asof-date. requested_split_adjusted_columns : list of str List of requested split adjusted column names. """ (pre_adjustments_dict, post_adjustments_dict) = self._collect_adjustments( requested_qtr_data, sid, sid_idx, sid_estimates, split_adjusted_asof_idx, pre_adjustments, post_adjustments, requested_split_adjusted_columns, ) for column_name in requested_split_adjusted_columns: for overwrite_ts in adjustments_for_sid[column_name]: # We need to cumulatively re-apply all adjustments up to the # split-adjusted-asof-date. We might not have any # pre-adjustments, so we should check for that. if overwrite_ts <= split_adjusted_asof_idx and pre_adjustments_dict: for split_ts in pre_adjustments_dict[column_name]: # The split has to have occurred during the span of # the overwrite. if split_ts < overwrite_ts: # Create new adjustments here so that we can # re-apply all applicable adjustments to ONLY # the dates being overwritten. adjustments_for_sid[column_name][overwrite_ts].extend( [ Float64Multiply( 0, overwrite_ts - 1, sid_idx, sid_idx, adjustment.value, ) for adjustment in pre_adjustments_dict[column_name][ split_ts ] ] ) # After the split-adjusted-asof-date, we need to re-apply all # adjustments that occur after that date and within the # bounds of the overwrite. They need to be applied starting # from the first date and until an end date. The end date is # the date of the newest information we get about # `requested_quarter` that is >= `split_ts`, or if there is no # new knowledge before `overwrite_ts`, then it is the date # before `overwrite_ts`. else: # Overwrites happen at the first index of a new quarter, # so determine here which quarter that is. requested_quarter = requested_qtr_data[ SHIFTED_NORMALIZED_QTRS, sid ].iloc[overwrite_ts] for adjustment_value, date_index, timestamp in zip( *post_adjustments ): if split_adjusted_asof_idx < date_index < overwrite_ts: # Assume the entire overwrite contains stale data upper_bound = overwrite_ts - 1 end_idx = self.determine_end_idx_for_adjustment( timestamp, dates, upper_bound, requested_quarter, sid_estimates, ) adjustments_for_sid[column_name][overwrite_ts].append( Float64Multiply( 0, end_idx, sid_idx, sid_idx, adjustment_value ) ) self.merge_split_adjustments_with_overwrites( pre_adjustments_dict, post_adjustments_dict, adjustments_for_sid, requested_split_adjusted_columns, )